5/4/2021 3 Comments IKYFL!So I was thinking about what happened to me last night. I'm chuckling to myself as I type, because I was sooooooooooo pissed and I couldn't WAIT to write this blog post so you all could share in my pissivity! However, now I as I think about it, you might just laugh...we'll see! Gather around for story time...
After about 3 months of being on lock down last year, I was legit losing my mind. The extroverted side of my ambivertism was on super struggle mode. I experienced extreme bouts of sadness and loneliness, mixed in with a level of anxiety I hadn't known beforehand. In June, when the weather started to break and some COVID restrictions were being modified, I vowed to not let myself get to that space again. Since then, one of my rituals is that I make it my business to work at my parents' place at least once a week. It's imperative for my mental health. Yesterday was my day and after I completed work at 6PM, my mother had me putting together this tray for my daddy to eat on. For whatever reason, she had to get fancy and order one that needed assembly. I won't even tell you how long it took me to put it together, but I got'er done! My parents live in an apartment complex and there is a time limit on how long visitors can be parked in their lot. The time used to be 9PM, now it's 6PM. And obviously I'm aware of this, but if I'm in the lot and and am visiting my parents beyond 6PM, I don't move my car right away and have never had a problem. Well, they got me right together. I was leisurely strolling to my car, feeling really tired, but relieved to be going home and thinking about all the things I needed to do when I got there, but also trying to decide what TV watching I was going to do first. As visions of Franklin Saint and Offred danced in my head, I rounded the corner to where my car was parked, and I immediately snapped out of my planning stupor as I saw a tow truck and my car slightly removed from its space. I broke out in this awkward skip run combo and made it to my car because it wasn't even up on the truck yet, but it seemed like when the guy saw me, he sped up to get the car completely hitched. As the car was being lifted, I'm hitting on the side of it, still skiprunning, and crying/yelling "PLEASE PLEASE! I'm right here! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I didn't launch into a full-on sprint because I had so many thoughts racing through my head; about possibly falling if I ran, about how embarrassed I was because there were about 5-6 young people walking toward my direction and I'm sure I sounded and looked ridiculous and they probably thought my car was being repo'd. I thought about how much it might cost to get my car back and how I didn't have the extra money. I thought about how catching up to the car was probably a losing battle anyway. I also thought about the choice words I would share with ol boy when I went to get my car. AND I thought about how I was JUST having a conversation about my son's irresponsibility and how he needs to get it together...🤦🏾♀️...pot meet kettle... My mother ended up taking me to get the car and on the way I was letting her know that she should prepare her ears, cuz homeboy was bout to get cussed TF out! When I got to the place, I started getting even angrier cuz the chick helping me just walked up and said, "I need your ID". No greeting or smile, hell, she barely looked up. But then she started asking me if I lived at the address and when I told her it was my parents, she proceeds to say how my mother knew she should have given me a permit and let me know when I should move my car. I let her know about how much of a hassle it is dealing with the apartment office and told her I was aware of the time, but it had never been a problem before. She said well maybe "they" hadn't been patrolling at the times I was out there before. Then, I explain to her that regardless of all she's talking about, I was outside before my car was hoisted and I yelled out letting the guy know it was my car and he started moving faster. She goes on to tell me that he had probably already hooked the car and when that happens, recording starts so he couldn't drop the car until he got to the lot AND she said because of the neighborhood, when I said something to the guy, I was an automatic threat! I said "ME?! I'M A THREAT?! WITH A BOOKBAG ON MY BACK AND CRYING AND YELLING PLEASE?!" Then this lady gone say, "Well, I'm just the dispatcher." I wanted to be like heaux well STFU talking to me then if you're JUST the dispatcher!! Whew! I'm getting mad all over again thinking about it. The last thing that BLEW me was she had to take a copy of my license, so when I signed the credit card slip, she told me to be sure that I sign exactly like the signature on my license or they wouldn't be able to release the car because the slip goes through some type of machine and if it isn't exact, the gate wouldn't open. At this point I thought I was getting punked. Sometimes it seems like these kinda things only happen to me. At least I got my car back. Shout out to my mama! I learned some lessons too: fat meat is in fact very greasy, I could stand to take heed to my own responsibility advice, and a towing company should be my next business venture! Have any of you ever experienced something like this? Let me know in the comments! I love to hear from you.
Dori Ginger
5/6/2021 06:57:30 am
Once when I was downtown I parked illegally right quick...yup I said right quick...to get some coffee. As I’m placing my order I can see the mans face register something happening outside. I turn around and see a tow truck parking in front of my car. So mid sentence I full on run, no sprint skip, no who’s watching, none of that to my car. I even had to jump over one of those little lawn gates that protect the flowers, I got my whole FloJo on! I jumped in my car, hit reverse and did a quick u-turn to get away. The tow truck driver never even had time to get out of his truck. I was so proud of myself and the adrenaline from it all was way better than coffee. No life lessons for me except, I kinda got hops! 😂🤷🏽♀️
5/12/2021 07:55:40 pm
I just DIED laughing!!!
Mary Thompson
5/6/2021 07:42:22 am
Hilarious 🤣
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