2/24/2021 11 Comments A Penny for Your ThoughtsSo I was thinking about a plethora of things, so much that I forgot to prepare a post for last Wednesday. I started to beat myself up about it because of the commitment I made to consistency for this year. I quickly put the whip down and gave myself grace when I remembered that I have published at least 2 extra posts since I started, so it balances out.
There's so much, I don't even know where to start or how to start or if I should even start. How much should I/do I want/need to share?? Is there a limit to my transparency??? I'll just let my fingers do the talking and see where they land.
Sooooooooo...what are YOU thinking??
2/10/2021 1 Comment COVID Vaccine UpdateSo I was thinking I'd have waaaaaaay more to say. I went ahead and got vaccinated 12 days ago. It was quick and the actual shot hurt less than a flu shot. I had extreme arm pain for about a day and a half. Since then, things have been rather uneventful. Thankfully, other than the heavy, piercing brick that seemed to be in my arm for 36 hours, there were no adverse effects. I didn't grow or lose any limbs, go blind, or die...not even any fever or fatigue. I received the Pfizer vaccine and I get the second dosage in 9 days. People have been telling me that the second dose will have me down and out for about a half day to 3 days, but I hope to dodge that bullet too. I'll keep y'all posted.
Announcement: The Optimistic Divorcees are back!! After 4 years, Shari and I have done a reboot and The Optimistic Divorcees Podcast launched this past Monday! We're optimistic about life, real about love, and looking forward to sharing our thoughts, experiences, insight, and laughs. We have a great line-up of interesting topics and awesome guests and you do NOT want to miss any of it! New episodes will air every Monday on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, and Spotify. Go now, subscribe, listen, and rate...you can write a review too. Lastly spread the word!! Our podcast isn't JUST for divorcees. We'll be speaking on topics surrounding different aspects of relationships that anyone can relate to. You can follow us on Instagram at @TheOptDivorcees or search The Optimistic Divorcees on Facebook to stay in the loop. |