9/28/2018 3 Comments A Walk In Their ShoesSo I've been thinking about the various goings on in the world today, especially the subject of rape and sexual assault. Of course, this is top of mind in light of the high profile stories of Cosby and Kavanaugh that have been in the news recently. I have been struggling to gather my thoughts and words regarding this and I'm still not certain that I am able to properly articulate my feelings. I'm also apprehensive about even addressing this matter. The dialogue that I've seen on social media has been so harsh and combative, that I started to think that maybe I wouldn't even touch this with a ten foot pole! Some people have resorted to insults and name calling due to differing opinions. I understand that folk are passionate about their stance, but as adults, the least we should be able to do is RESPECTFULLY agree to disagree and then continue to interact or not interact accordingly.
Instead of going back and forth on social media, I wanted to use the platform that I have to share my opinion. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet. Rape and sexual assault is wrong! Regardless of what time a person visits another person, regardless of attire or the lack thereof, regardless of occupation, previous encounters, drug use, etc., it is never warranted. No human being has the right to violate another human being under ANY circumstance. I'm disgusted by the extreme lack of empathy for victims of rape and sexual assault. It saddens me that we tend to not believe victims when they don't come forward in the time frame that we deem suitable. It fills me with sorrow when we continually blame the victim. I'm remorseful for ever having either of these flawed ways of thinking. A culprit's financial status or position of power and prestige does not excuse this ultimate violation, neither does their race. Just because white men seem to experience more leniency when it comes to suffering the consequences of such crimes, it doesn't excuse minorities and justice should be served either way. The call for justice shouldn't depend on whether or not another person who did the same thing was tried and convicted. I just want us all to do better. Put yourself in the victim's shoes. Think about how you would feel if you or someone close to you was violated in such a way. It's shameful that many times we don't have compassion for others about certain things until that situation shows up at our doorstep.
Mary Thompson
9/29/2018 07:23:27 pm
Very true,and sad!!
9/29/2018 07:50:20 pm
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter. It’s a touchy subject for sure, and I’m glad you’re using this platform to bring awareness and provoke thought and discussion.
10/1/2018 08:28:21 pm
So true! A person has the right to withdraw consent at ANY time!! Further, people wait years for various reasons...none of which should make their complaint invalid.
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