8/31/2018 5 Comments I Don't Deserve ItSo I was thinking about my next blog post and I wanted to pose a question to my readers. Have you ever sought the support of your family and friends, then felt a certain type of way when you didn't get it? Or felt that the support you did receive didn't match the support that you have given? I bet we've all experienced some not so fuzzy feelings in this regard at one point or another. I've spent a generous amount of time thinking about this since I launched the website and started this new blog. This isn't my first stab at blogging or pursuing a creative or entrepreneurial endeavor. The questions I presented to you are things that I've grappled with each time. I've found myself feeling angry, confused, sad, and frustrated. I've observed the things and the people that get the support I long for, many times without prompting, and wonder why I can't get the same. It often seems that if there is no celebrity involved, no slapstick buffoonery, or no story of death and despair, it just ain't good enough for a share. I think about posts I've read and shared or the merchandise I've bought or the people and businesses I've bragged about and worked or volunteered for or the referrals I've given and it all doesn't add up to me! Of course I don't do anything that I do for my loved ones in exchange for anything in return. However, when you're in relationship, you expect that certain things will be reciprocated.
You may be asking, "Where are you going with this, Cheryce? Are we here only to witness you spew your bitterness??" Stick with me people, I'm bringing it on home. Whenever the aforementioned concerns come up, I remind myself that people aren't always going to do things the way I do or the way I expect. Their picture of support isn't going to look like the one I've painted because they have different thought processes or methods. There are also going to be times when there will be no support from my squad, for whatever reasons. I've realized that dwelling on what I'm not getting is also not getting me anywhere. I'm just causing myself more frustration. If I want my work to be viewed as more than a hobby, I have to treat it as such. I need to make sure that I do all I can to fulfill MY dreams and get to the place where I want to be in my life and career. Two nuggets that come to mind to help me on this journey come from my friend and one of my biggest inspirations, Kevin Fredericks p/k/a KevOnStage. These points have stuck with me and really made an impact. Maybe they will help you too.
Mary Thompson
8/31/2018 10:49:32 am
Amen and Amen!!!!
9/1/2018 04:30:20 am
This is so true.
9/4/2018 09:47:11 pm
Hey, Kim! I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
Alicia Smith
9/16/2018 06:39:40 pm
This is a hard pill for me to swallow cause I want the support I give... but I get that it should not be expected. Maybe I need to look at my motives.
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